whats the whole deal with this section. what do i put here.
Diaoling is very quiet and aloof, often not paying attention to his surroundings or the people around him. He has a hard time staying present, spending most of his time in his own head and ignoring what is happening around him. This leads to many people believing he is cold or uncaring, accentuated by his harsh makeup, when he simply has a hard time staying present or processing his surroundings. Diaoling is very self conscious about his appearance and doesn't want to draw attention to himself despite his distinct appearance.
Diaoling enjoys music, though is very particular about what he likes. Watching festivals and singing for worship has made him interested in music, but loud or fast-paced music makes him anxious due to his time living as a prophet. He loves to sing on his own and watch street preformers when he visits small towns.
Diaoling has some control over the weather in his area. It is much easier for him to change the weather in his temple because of his comfort with the weather patterns, but with enough focus he can change it in any area he is in. To change the weather, Diaoling needs to burn specific components which change depending on what conditions he is creating. The smoke from these components rises through the air and creates its own weather, overriding what is present in the area. Diaoling can create small changes in temperature around him by chewing and burning the components in his mouth, helping in extreme areas.
Diaoling has bright red skin, often covered with white makeup on his face and shoulders when exposed. His hair is an off white, with bangs hanging over his face and hair down to the middle of his back. Diaoling has many draconic traits, such as his tail and horns. His horns are sharp and roughly 6 inches long, the same color as his skin and tipped in black dye. His tail is about 5 feet long, with white hair trailing down the back. This tail is almost always visible, most of Diaoling's clothes are tailored to show off his draconic traits. Other than his tail, his arms and legs have the thickest scales, with a slight black gradient and white nails. Diaoling is very tall compared to an average human, being very skinny due to his increased height.
When living at the temple and presenting to others Diaoling wears a full face of white and red makeup. Black lines follow the curves of his eyebrows, cheekbones, and lips, making him appear displeased and offputting to strangers. Red lines follow the same shape, filling in the eyebrows and covering his jawline, while the rest of his face is white. During the Sunset Festival his face is entirely white, matching his pure white clothing.
Casual wear looks very similar to his appearance during festivals and the temple, as Diaoling prefers to keep his appearance well maintained, ensuring he is taken seriously and is seen exactly how he wishes to be seen. When alone or unable to access makeup, Diaoling's face is criss-crossed with thin white scars, caused by unrest from social isolation when he first moved into the temple. He also has red patches on his cheek and above the eyes from slight scale damage. He does his best to keep his face hidden even when staying home, only exposing it when around people he trusts.
When living on his own, Diaoling does not have access to the same luxuries in makeup and clothing. He typically wears a full face of white or red makeup when unable to access many pigments, and wears relatively simple and loose clothing.
Diaoling enjoys the Rainfest and actively participates in the celebrations, as opposed to most festivals. Due to his reluctance to participate in common society and the rarity of seeing him in public, Rainfest has become especially important to the civilians since it is one of the few times every year they are able to see Diaoling in person. He enjoys the dances, both watching and participating in them. Tao accompanies Diaoling as he does every day, but gives Diaoling more freedom than usual so he can fully enjoy the event.
Tao: Diaoling has a hard time showing it, but he greatly respects Tao and wishes he could stay with him forever. He tries to push Tao away as much as he can so his eventual death will be easier to handle, often failing and getting closer with Tao over time. After the two leave the temple, he does not understand why Tao would want to stay with him when he no longer is bound by duty, and wants Tao to make a better life for himself outside of simply serving Diaoling. He wants more than anything to always be with Tao, though he believes this desire is selfish and does not know Tao feels the same way.
"Some kind of quote."
Songyan: Songyan and Diaoling have known each other for years, being the closest thing Diaoling can consider a friend. They are only able to meet every few years when Songyan comes to preform. When she is in town, they meet behind the temple and talk.
"Some kind of quote."
"Some kind of quote."