Gnost Bonsters

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    Update Corner

    This page is currently under construction. Please be patient, I am only one man and also nobody is looking at this page anyway! Who are you??

    Im not really sure how to organize this so i should probably think before i start editing stuff


    This is about my ocs!!


    Contents (Consider changing this? Its too long and clunky to serve a good purpose)


    - Personality
    - Design
    - Relationships
    - Early Life
    - Death
    - Sanctuary






    Human Design

    Elijah is a young white man, with short brown hair that reaches to his ears in a messy style. While alive, he is relatively skinny, being unable to consistently take care of himself when at work or living alone with his brother. After death, he gains some weight, able to care for himself and the other spirits in the sanctuary. Elijah often doesn't care about his own appearance, often dressing in plain clothes such as t-shirts or hoodies, favoring practicality over fashion. Since he was in elementary school, Elijah's fingers have been permanently stained black due to constant possession by [NAME PENDING]. When being possessed or when recently possessed Elijah's hand stains reach up to his arms in a vein-like structure.

    Psychopomp Design

    This design is only seen after Elijah has been killed. Some of the traits progress over time, while others remain stagnant or only appear in certain circumstances or when under strain by other supernatural forces. These design traits tend to shift and go in and out with no rhyme or reason since Elijah has no stable physical form as a psychopomp.

    One of the first changes to Elijah's 'body' after he died was seen in his hands , with his typically black hands hardened into a material similar to hooves. Each finger remains separate, but they have a hard time bending due to the toughness. Elijah also slowly become hairier, with most of his hair following human hair patterns just in a more extreme fashion. He prefers to keep his non-head hair short, but can often be seen with thick arm hair that increases slightly at the hands. His facial and head hair grow much faster than normal humans, and have a slightly gray-brown color, some patches growing in gray despite his body's young age. After about a year living in the afterlife, Elijah began to show more distinctly non-human features, growing into his role as a psychopomp. Elijah's psychopomp form bears resemblance to an alpine goat. Horns begin to sprout from his head, splitting the skin on his forehead. This growth was painful, needing special care and bandaging when growing in to prevent infection and skin cracking. In the end, his horns are about 6-8 inches long and dark gray, very similar to real goat's horns. His ears also began to grow longer and droop downwards, reaching to about his jaw. These ears are dark brown and gray, with light pink and brown on the insides. Elijah also grows a slight tail , only about a few inches long and fluffy with longer hair at the base, following the same coloring as his ears. On some occasions, Elijah will have goat fur patterns , especially on his face and arms, with dark patches on the sides of his face and a white patch above his nose. These patches are not influenced by shaving or growth of hair, since they appear on the skin for small periods of time instead of hair. These patches are somewhat random, appearing for only days or hours at a time with no known cause. In some cases, Elijah is seen with slight digitigrade legs , following the anatomical structure of goats. These legs are largely non-canon, and are entirely optional.


    Del: Loves his brother and worries for him almost constantly. They are incredibly close, often acting more like friends than siblings, with Elijah considering Del the closest person in his life. Wishes he could do more for him, and works mainly to support Del and make his life better. After his death, he feels responsible for Del's mental state declining and is slightly more distant, worrying that he has become too attached to his brother and has unintentionally made his life worse. When things began to settle again he has become much closer with his brother, visiting him often and bringing their relationship much closer to how they were when they lived together.






    Nora: Finds Nora incredibly frustrating, outright refuses to work with her unless it is in the most dire of situations. Elijah thinks she is too high-energy and needs to start acting like an adult and supporting Melody.

    "You ever meet someone and immediately know they spend 6 hours a day on Tiktok."





    Early Life







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